Strategies for Outlining & Organizing Large Writing Projects

Strategies for Outlining & Organizing Large Writing Projects

By Writing Program/TGS

Date and time

Monday, January 14, 2019 · 1 - 2:30pm CST


Graduate Student Lounge

2122 Sheridan Rd. Room #140 Seabury Evanston, IL 60208


One of the challenges that graduate school presents is learning to manage large writing projects like master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. Because of their scale, longer pieces of writing present unique difficulties. They require that students pay attention to the consistency, coherence, and overall aims of a project, even while working on its smallest details. Participants in this workshop will receive guidance about: 1) the overall stages and process of undertaking a large writing project; 2) how to stay focused on the overarching themes and goals of a project; 3) techniques for monitoring the internal consistency of one’s claims and style; and 4) how to develop outlines and utilize software in conceptualizing and organizing writing.

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